Intentions: Unity and Clarity
There has been a lot written about the Law of Attraction and not all of it is recent. In Proverbs 23:7 it says, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." The ancients knew that thought creates reality, so why has it been such a secret? A recent book talks up the Law of Attraction and is actually called, "The Secret." It's like some of those Zen sayings which carry deep wisdom but which take time and effort and discipline to understand. So this note is intended as a step toward understanding.
Examples are all around us. Yesterday morning I couldn't find my wallet. I looked all over and made myself late, and left without it. I didn't get pulled over and I paid cash for lunch, and on my way back in, I had the thought that it's going to just appear out of nowhere without any effort on my part. It wasn't a willful forced intention, just a feeling of certainty, felt deeply enough so that I said out loud, "It's just going to pop out from somewhere and be there right in front of me." And within one minute I caught the right visual angle and there it was on a chair in the kitchen, having fallen between two grocery bags, literally one foot under my nose. I just giggled for about three minutes and again just now remembering it.
It happens far too often to be a coincidence, it happens all the time, and it happens with small and large things with equal ease. The Universe (a.k.a. God) doesn't care about scale, planets are created as easily as flowers. There is a really powerful mechanism at work here and we can use it if we know how.
Some people are better manifestors than others, and some things manifest more quickly and easily than others. And the difference is not so much about scale or scope of the tangible creation that comes out, it's more about the ways in which the "man thinketh in his heart." (Of course it works for women too.) The difference is clarity and unity. If we simply know the desired results are coming, know it and expect it and want it without reservation, it happens all the time.
So how does it work? The clarity and unity were easy to achieve with my wallet, I hadn't spent more than a couple of minutes thinking about it. And it manifested so quickly because it was such a certain expectation. Some other things are harder to get so certain about. Not because of scope, the universe doesn't care about that, it's because the issues can be emotionally complicated. We don't always have unity of purpose:
· A desire for financial affluence can come with a reluctance to deal with a more complex tax environment, or issues in handling investments, or concerns that our friends and loved ones will act differently toward us.
· A desire for deeper romantic relationship may come with a reluctance to give up time spent on things we currently enjoy, and may bring other unforeseen changes to our lives.
· A desire for any improvement may come with concerns about being able to handle the results, or possible thoughts about deserving the benefits, or a thousand other concerns.
The universe will respect our fears and aversions as well as our proactive desires. If you want thing A, and A comes with B, and you don't want B, you're not getting either one of them. So we need to work on B and look clearly at the fear, the concern, the issue, whatever you call it, and bring it out into the open. Because if we let it keep hiding in the shadows, it will keep preventing A from coming to you, and the check won't be in your mailbox and she will not kiss you.
Now, people say not to focus on the negative and that's good advice. It's unproductive to let thoughts linger that tell us, "I really need to lose weight, I'm overweight and too big, blah blah, etc." If we focus instead on feeling the ideal weight and size within our body it's more productive. Especially when it leads to changes in diet and exercise that flow naturally and easily without drudgery or self denial. These changes can be a freely flowing result of the images we carry inside us. This is all good, and we can harm ourselves if we focus on the negative in the sense of investing our attention on it. Attention is a huge psychological and spiritual magnifying glass that creates growth and manifests results wherever we direct it. So we need to be careful about that.
But ignoring real issues is a different thing entirely. We need ways to shed light on the dark forms hiding in the shadows, to examine them clearly without degrading into negative self-talk ("I'm too big, not good at that, whatever.") We need ways to think about issues in productive terms, and one productive tool is language, the phrasing, how we say things, this affects how we think about them. People think language comes from the inside out, that it's an expression of the inner self, but it's a two-way street. Careful construction of some key phrases can improve our internal perceptions. Language can affect thinking from the outside in.
It has been said that we need to be careful how we phrase our intentions, and this is true. But it's not true because the universe has a bunch of lawyers who will pounce on every word. It's true because the form of our statements determines how we perceive the issue within our spirit. And the universe responds to exactly what we hold within our spirits. So we do need to be careful and, shall we say, intentional about what we say and how we say it.
For example, a poorly phrased concern might be, "I don't want to have to spend my time managing a bunch of investments. It's not the kind of thing I like to do and I'm not very good at it." Maybe you can see how that might restrict the flow of affluence. Let's take some steps and see what we can do about a concept like this:
· Acknowledge the personal truth we find. One truth might be that you really do not like to spend time on financial matters. Another might be that A really does come with B in this case, we do have to take care of our things and money is one of them. A third might be that we're really not very good at it, though it may be lack of experience.
· Work within the truth. If I don't like doing it, and it has to be done, where are we then? Look for some creative ideas at this point, such as, what if someone else does it? Ah, but then they'd want to be paid. But wait, we're doing this because there is some money to be managed. If they do a good job the pile could grow and we could pay them with part of the proceeds.
· Don't ignore it. That would be giving up. If you want to stop working on this and go to work on something else that's fine, but if you really want A, you need to find a way to work with B.
· Rephrase the concern. Something like, "I would be happy to pay a good advisor to manage investments for me and share in the proceeds."
· Your thoughts and concerns will be different, and the steps you take may look different than these. It's your job, it's your homework to find productive, clear and unified intentions for your own purposes. The old song says, "No one else can walk it for you, you got to walk that lonesome valley by yourself."
This is not just a matter of playing with words to make it look good on paper. It is managing the way we think about things. An old saying says, "You are what you eat." Your view of the world and your overall tone is the direct result of the momentary thoughts you have had throughout the years of your life. You feed thoughts into your spirit by the thinking of them. You are what you eat psychologically and spiritually, and what you eat are those thoughts you entertain on a momentary basis.
And you can change your diet. "I would be happy to pay a good advisor to manage investments for me and share in the proceeds." The phrases and restructured thinking that you create, to bring about your own intentions for your own life, can help you achieve the clarity and unity that create results.
So far we've been talking about unity, the alignment of intentions toward a single purpose, reshaping and redirecting those which could work in unwanted ways, working toward the achievement of single-mindedness. But what about the clarity part? What about that first step of becoming clear with ourselves and the universe about what the heck it is that we actually want? That would seem to have some influence, right?
In a way this is the easy part. It's certainly the fun part. It's your wish list, but it needs to be more than idle wishes. It will need attention, that great growth agent, and cultivation over time. It is helpful to write the intentions down, because writing forces the thoughts to be complete sentences at the very least, and clear ideas when at their best. Plus a written result is a great way to reapply your attention over and over again. Some people put their intentions up on their bathroom mirror and repeat them out loud every morning. Some take the time to rewrite them frequently, and that's my mode, I'm a compulsive scribbler and I like my journals. Either way, it takes an investment to have your statement of goals (intention) become a major part of your mental process (attention.)
Steady attention creates clarity, it hones and refines goals, it handles concerns by dispensing or integrating. It feeds a constant diet into the inner depths of mind and spirit which directly touch the creative power of the universe.
Groups are forming all the time to come together and announce their intentions to each other, and to add their combined power together, applying it to the creation of manifest reality. Look for phrases like "intention circle" in Google or Groups can enhance clarity through feedback on the statement of people's goals. And again, the structure of the statement is a direct influence on the nature of your internal thoughts - and that in turn is the direct interface to the creative power the universe has ready for you.
Your life is your own art project and you get to take it anywhere you want. This will take time and effort. But what major wonderful part of your life has not taken time and effort?
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