Many people - most people who would read a blog like this - are looking for a spiritual experience. We seek to ascend, to progress beyond this earthly physical plane. It's worth asking why.
We began as spirit forms, we are originally spiritual beings having a human experience. The desire we have as human beings for a spiritual experience is largely a desire to remember where we came from. We know at some level deep within that there is a connection to something higher, but our conscious minds filter that out, and it's not hard to see how that happens.
In order to get into these bodies, we must have had to go through some conditioning to leave the higher dimensions and enter this physical world. It's more limited here, with time and space and gravity to deal with, and there must be some training involved because I imagine there's quite a difference. I imagine there are lots of cool things they can do out there, but we have things here they cannot experience. We can see flowers and sunsets because these eyes interpret light. We can feel joy and sorrow, laughter and pain, love, sex, delicious food, we can build and paint and sing and this is all part of being alive. We can physically feel energy in our hands and inside our chests. They need to know about this, as did we, and that's mainly why we agreed to enter into that birth process.
So we make our agreements and go, then we feel the warmth and the love of mother's body all around us, and then we run out of room, so we know about space already, and after some pushing and shoving we have light, and air, and fingers. And we have to learn how to work all that, and walk and speak and go to the bathroom without making a mess, and that's a full-time job. Then we have school. It is not a big surprise that the consciousness of spirit gets crowded out.
But just because it's forgotten, that doesn't mean it's gone. Spirit is the driving force behind this body, this brain, this rational thought, and we know this deep within because it was never gone. Some of us wake up to its presence and want to know more. Some of us want to ascend beyond this earthly plane and graduate.
If we truly came here for a reason though, and we just want to get out, we might have to come back and do it again. We could finish up our time here and look around the cosmos, look at what we've done here and ask what we've accomplished. Maybe we spent our energy surviving in a harsh environment and then realized that we were already going to survive. We died and we survived that. And then we may ask what the point was.
And in the asking of that question the whole view could just flip. Maybe the point was not ascending after all, but rather completing a good solid descent into the flowers and the sunsets and the laughter and all the rest. Maybe the act of truly becoming an integrated part of all this manifested creation was the original idea. If we connect strongly with what we see here, we can connect more strongly to what is beyond. I don't think we're going to learn how to connect anywhere by skipping what's right in front of us.
I am really curious about what's going on out there in the universe, and I am exercising this animal brain to receive different kinds of sensory inputs, but I am also motivated to get a full load of this experience here. Because you don't learn how to connect by refusing to connect.
One more thing: you are already ascended. Your higher self is up there, and was with you before you were born, and will be waiting for you when it's done. We are multidimensional beings and we do not only operate on one plane. If you believe that, and you can connect here, it will help you connect elsewhere, and there may be no real ascending to do. Just connecting, and remembering.
So this is a thought that favors descending as a step toward true progress. It's not the only step, but it's one we could miss if we set our sights on the stars and trip over the pebbles.
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