Greetings to the great celestial entities, facets of the Divine Almighty and yet fully individual, many in one, e pluribus unum. We extend our honor to the Holy Multiplicity. We feel a deep gratitude for your help through the ages, for your kindness and your love. We delight to hear anything you have to tell us, and today we have a specific question.
We hear of a great awakening which some say is coming to our planet. We hear that Gaia herself, the earth mother is beginning to stir, that human culture is getting ready for a step forward. We hear of times like November 11, 2011 or December 12, 2012 as special moments. Do you see any movement like this? If this is real, how can we contribute toward the highest and greatest good?
After a pause Jupiter wishes to speak.
Human kind is constantly moving forward. You do not need to wait for reserved points in time to make your progress. You can elevate your own vibrations right now. Just close your eyes and ask for it. Go ahead, do it now. You will ascend to some degree.
Events are coming and they will not be end times unless you see today as merely the end of yesterday. Creation is constantly unfolding, constantly renewing, constantly being reborn. The flowers of spring and the autumn leaves are constantly becoming what they are, as are you, as is all of life and all of creation. Don't look too much at the ending of yesterday, it could cause you to miss the new creation of today.
There are some who look with fear toward futures they imagine, full of endings. Help them if you can, to know that these are beginnings, that we create them together, that we all have a hand in shaping the creation in our own image. Some will understand this and others will not. Help the ones you can.
We can only create in our own image. We cannot make what we do not know. So you are responsible for the source of your own creations, your own spiritual image. Create it with care, choose wisely whether to feed it joy or sorrow, gratitude or disappointment, love or anger. This created spirit will be reflected in all you do - and you have a huge impact on everything around you.
People are bringing energies together for some very good unified work and you can look forward with joy to creations of love and beauty.
We offer blessings and love from the dimensions where we live.
And Apollo has something to say.
Your revolution will occur within yourself. Others will affect you but your growth is your own. Their revolution is fully theirs and you will surely affect them, in profound ways, most of which you will not know. You are fully responsible for how you affect the world, and at the same time your field of growth is mainly within. Your main purpose here is internal. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and these things will be added unto you."
In no way does this mean that you are not responsible for conditions. You are powerful creators and you have been given much. Thus much is expected. The power to create is an awesome responsibility but this is not scary at all. It is a delight, it is a kick in the head, in all the best ways. We get to create beauty and joy springing forth from what we have within.
So your field of growth is within yourself and it extends throughout the world. It is both and it is neither. You directly affect it all, and you can only create from within yourself, and there is infinite influence from all the other creators. Simultaneous truths exist and they only seem contradictory to your finite minds.
There is nothing special about those dates, they are names for points in time, useful for measurement but arbitrary. But there is something very special about the way people are coming together with common purpose at those times. By agreement and by coincidence of numbers, gatherings are forming and energies are coming together at key times. There will be great steps forward materially, socially and spiritually, not because of the dates but because of the energy. It will be magical. It already is.
If you would help, remind those who will listen to keep the love in it, to consider help before anger, to look toward more benefit for more people. Spirits are coming together already on your planet and beyond it, and the combined power will continue to grow. The force of unified spiritual energy is a powerful agent and it is awakening with a great magnitude.
Saturn is the last to address us.
Conditions in your world are trending toward improvement all the time, but progress comes with occasional individual and collective setbacks. Two steps forward and one step back sometimes, and a correction is now in process. It will be completed soon. It was needed, to bring about a greater good. This is coming.
There was once a Golden Age when we needed no laws because natural benefit flowed from all by nature. That was before the Babylonian apple felt the lips of Eve as your story has it, before the nature of good and evil was known. Advancement now comes with some letting go. The tree is pruned to allow for the growth which will surely follow.
There are those who can be helped, who will understand these ideas and who will respond. Help the ones you can. We have not expressed an opinion about the others. Do not try to create benefit where it cannot be created, there is a lifetime of work available where you can do some good.
You are blessed beings in a blessed world and there is light and love for you all.
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