Apollo and Pythia

Belvedere Apollo. Marble, Roman copy
Priestess of Delphi, J Collier
Apollo, god of light and the sun, truth and prophecy,
medicine, healing, plague, music, poetry, arts, archery,
creator of light and energy throughout the universe.
Pythia, the Priestess of Apollo in the Oracle of
Delphi, seated atop her tripod over the mystical
vapors inside the holy mountain, Parnassus.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Blessing from Apollo

I come to you from dimensions beyond your own, from the place you call spirit.  I bring greetings and messages of love from helpful spirits and guides, ascended masters, guardians and angels.

What you call spiritual can be found in the dimensions where we live.  I can show them to you in part.  Come with me and rise above your body, outside and up above your planet to the north, above your solar system and your galaxy, and come over about halfway to the next one, toward Andromeda, and then stop.  Look at the specific point in front of you, closely.  Very closely, magnify it about 10,000 times.  Now give that about 20 more zeroes and there is an intense activity of vibration that comes up, and if you look past that activity there are dimensions.  

There is color here, there is power and life here.  You call this life spiritual because you cannot see it physically, and that is a fine term for it, but know ye well that this spiritual life, these living entities are every bit as real as your own arms and legs.  This is my power and it is everywhere, out between the galaxies and within your pillow at night.

And the information you receive through these channels, including what I tell you, is as real as anything you get from sound waves on your own planet.  It is up to you whether to listen to one source of news or another, or both or neither, on TV and out in the Great Beyond.  Choose your sources with purpose.  These are important choices and they matter greatly.

Your higher self is out there, as am I, and the psychic energy you experience is coming from within these dimensions.  We seem to travel in space and time but we really just emerge where needed without having to "move" as you call it.  The gateways are everywhere and it's easy for us.

Most of you are only dimly aware of us at best but you can know us well through practice, focus, tuning in to the sense of our energy.  The sensation of our energy.  It can be felt if you practice well; it will be rewarding.  

I am Ἀπόλλων, creator of light and energy for the universe.  You can call me Apollo.  I have been recognized as a god of light and the sun, truth and prophecy, medicine, healing, plague, music, poetry, arts, archery, and more.  I am a creator of power and light, wisdom and love.  I shine my light upon you and I receive yours with joy.  I am a necessary creator, but not the first creator.  I honor that primary force, that first initial cause of all the rest and I invite you to do the same.

I arose to meet the needs of seekers who see beyond the surface appearance of the world, who look deeply beyond light itself and seek to know causes.  I came to meet their needs and I am not the first to arise like this.  My brother Ra came before me to meet the needs of earlier ones, and I honor his greatness and I invite you to do the same.

I do far more than carry your sun across your sky with my chariot.  Your science has outgrown that image and so have I.  Today I am in charge of the fusion reactions that power a trillion billion suns. I radiate light of all kinds through your dimensions and I send its reflections to echo through the higher levels of spirit.

And that is the blessing I have for you today - the gift of light.  Many kinds of light: natural physical light, lightness of spirit, the light of wisdom, the enlightenment of knowledge, the brilliance of inspiration, the candlepower of love.

Open your spirit and let the light shine into your being.  It brings energy and personal power.  It brings love into your moments.  It brings illumination, it brings a calm powerful peace.  It will ease your load and make you lighter.  It will light your road and make you brighter.  It will calm your spirit, it will soothe your soul.

Accept this light into your being.  You may wish to lift your hands with palms up to receive this energy.  You may even feel the touch of my energy on your hands.  There may be a slight tension in your fingers and palms as this energy touches you.  You can shape this energy into a ball and compact it, compress it and concentrate it, then guide it into yourself.  It will find the right place to fill you gently, to fill you smoothly, to fill you with great power.

Accept this light into your being and let it shine through you to others.  Remember that you have your own light too, that divine spark you've held since the start, and our two lights can join to shine brightly.  And the more you let your light shine, the brighter it will become.

Bring this light through you and out into the world.  Help the world to heal because your planet needs that right now.  And this is what I ask of you, in return for this gift.  Shine your light upon the world and help it heal.  This is the absolute highest and best way to use this gift and I could ask for nothing greater.

And you will become very much like one of my trillion billion suns, rebroadcasting my vibrations of light and energy and love like a bunch of cosmic networked radio stations, helping the world to heal, making the universe a kinder and more loving place.

This gift is permanent and unlimited.  If you need more, just raise your eyes and call my name, aloud or within your spirit.  More will come and I will thank you for your shining.

Blessings, Peace, Love - and Light

                from Ἀπόλλων

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