Apollo and Pythia

Belvedere Apollo. Marble, Roman copy
Priestess of Delphi, J Collier
Apollo, god of light and the sun, truth and prophecy,
medicine, healing, plague, music, poetry, arts, archery,
creator of light and energy throughout the universe.
Pythia, the Priestess of Apollo in the Oracle of
Delphi, seated atop her tripod over the mystical
vapors inside the holy mountain, Parnassus.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Blessing from Mars

This blessing can be given in a group setting or individually.  It can be effective if you read it to yourself and let your spirit respond.  It is meant for anyone who is attracted toward these thoughts.

The space around us is already sacred.  It was sacred before we got here.  We just need to join it.

If we see that space above us, in the center of the room, it will begin to expand because of our attention.  Attention is the great magnifying glass that causes growth wherever we direct it, and our combined focused attention is a powerful agent.  And as we put our energy into this space it expands and it purifies, and it grows outward until it touches each of us, it touches the sacred space within each of us.

This divine spark within us can now arise and grow, and expand out and touch the sacred space we share, and we add our own energy to the loving kindness of those who are already here.  Michael, Gabriel, Faith, Grace, Hope are already here.  Bast, Hathor, Apollo, Ra, bring your own.  They're already here and they are directing their love to each one of us, and we can feel that love and reflect it back, and add in the love we have for them and for each other.

And we can all join in a unanimous wish that we take some of this love that we're flowing out, and apply it toward ourselves in the highest and best possible ways.  And this is truly sacred.
We are ready now to call forth and greet and honor the living spirit of Mars, master of power and strength, force and decisive action, protection and personal security, taking care of business, proactive manager of commitments well-filled, and of winning.

Mars, we call upon your spirit, we invoke your presence among us, we bring you forth with the loving power of our combined energy.  And he comes easily and freely to join us because he has something to share.  He has these things to say which we have prepared in advance.

I bring greetings to you from dimensions you cannot see, from physical places in the universe which really exist, which vibrate in ways too subtle for your physical senses, but which you can sense, and which you recognize as the domain of spirit.

I am Mars.  I arose to meet the needs of those who study worldly affairs, who look beyond the surface appearance of things, who seek to know the science of doing it well, at home and at work, in agriculture and industry, in affairs of all types, whether business, personal or spiritual.

I arose originally as a protective pastoral force, active in the genesis of springtime, in planting, fertility, growth.  I protected the animals and crops, and was also active at the harvest times, when agriculture was the biggest sector of the economy.  I was not originally about war and I am nothing like Ares. War was added to my domain later, but I am coming to you today in the sense of my original purpose.  And I have a blessing to offer you today in the form of a special gift.

It is a seedling to be planted within your spirit, where it will grow in response to your attention.  It is the knowledge of the great satisfaction in jobs well done, the joy in personal skill, the pleasure in staying on top of things.  And it all starts with the knowledge that these pleasures exist, that they're there for us to enjoy.  And that is the essence of this new seedling we have today - the knowledge that this joy is freely available.

So take this seedling into your spirit and nurture it by thinking of it often.  Just know and remember that your ability brings pleasure, and thus your own unique abilities will grow.  This includes the things you do better than other people do, and it also includes your everyday activities.  Before long you may find that your laundry is caught up, your kitchen is cleaner, your garbage is taken out.  And it will go beyond this.  Your relationships may grow stronger because of your greater attention, your greater joy, your greater positive energy.  Your spirit can expand by regular exercise and practice done well.

The rewards of these results are good, but this gift is about the rewards that come from the doing, the essential pleasure that's built right into the process of getting things done, and doing them well.  And you may notice a progression as the reward of these good feelings will confirm your powers and your talents, and your abilities will grow, and even the things that seemed like chores will become more joyful if you nurture this new seedling with your attention.

This will not take more energy and it will not take more time.  It will take attention and focus, which may take some work to develop.  It will take knowing the priority of which things are more important than others.  And working these priorities will create the sense of more time and more energy becoming available, especially for the things that matter.

So take this seedling and let it grow within you, and it will bring you the blessings and pleasures of personal satisfaction.  It will also bring the great practical benefit of better organized, better managed situations in your life.  This is a practical blessing, to be used in daily life.  Others can offer you some lovely high inspirations for the spirit, and I honor that, but this is about getting things done, down here on the ground.  The world needs both, and this is the part that I do.

There is something I ask in return.  Two things.  First, consider this knowledge, think about these things and this seedling will grow within you, and you will contribute a share of order to a world that needs more order.  Second, consider my original protective and helpful nature, which values industry, honest and healthy personal relationships.  Consider its possibilities for the human family.  And if you would oppose anything, become a spiritual warrior who tames the force of resistance within yourself, and who becomes a source of peace within a world which has a great need for sources of peace.

Most people don't know that these pleasures exist.  Now that you do know this, you can develop these pleasures and enjoy these built-in rewards with every success you have, and these blessings can come to you over and over again without limitation in frequency, and without limitation in depth of feeling.  This is my blessing to you and it is a permanent renewable resource.  It will return to you in full every time you direct your attention to the seedling we have just planted.

And our response to Mars is one of deep gratitude.  We thank you Mars, for your presence, your attention, your blessings and your gifts.  We will honor these gifts by using them for the highest good, the greatest benefit for all.

So be it, and so it is.

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