This meditation is a practice session, to develop a spirit of forgiveness you can carry with you wherever you go. It is a very powerful path toward personal peace. It will create a strong sense of love which will flow through all the moments of your days.
We will be asking you to have a person in mind whom you can forgive for something. It shouldn't be the worst thing that ever happened to you, we can start with an easy one. We will need a real person, a real thing done which was wrong, and which caused some kind of loss.
The work we do tonight will benefit greatly from a sacred space. And we will begin to build this space by paying attention to the sense of calmness within each one of us. We each have this calmness within our spirits no matter what else is going on, and if we look at it, the calmness will grow. Even if you haven't had a calm thought all day, you can remember what it felt like to be calm at one time. And that's enough to start with; we will build from that.
Just think about that feeling of calmness, just remember what that is, and the actual experience will begin to form within you. Remember the feeling, put your attention on it. Our attention is the great magnifying glass that creates growth wherever we direct it, and in this case it will cause calmness to grow within you. A calm sense of peace will begin to grow within you as you remember the feeling of calm.
And as we feel this, think now about your feeling of love for someone or something from any time including now. It doesn't matter who or when, just let that feeling of love flow toward your heart. Just let it flow, and notice how it feels on the inside of your chest, how it physically feels. No matter what else is going on, we all know these feelings of love and if we just remember it we can feel it now, and it will flow from us into the space around us. Feelings of peace, calmness and love are flowing from your spirit now, from all of us into the space around us and making that space sacred.
And now we have a really strong positive force available here, available to us all, and now we want to create within our sacred space, a feeling of safety and protection. And for that we have a gift from the spirit of Mars, master of a very practical strength and a very effective protection. And he offers us the gift of bricks.
And we take these bricks and we build a brick wall around our space, six feet high around us all, enclosing our sacred space, a foot thick, solid brick and then we set a large crystal dome above us, polished crystal, perfectly clear and solid. The only energies that get in here will be those we invite. This gift from our protector Mars has secured the space and made it safe; our love has made it sacred.
We now invite and invoke the guides and powerful spirits who will help us here. We ask Archangel Michael to come to us, we invite and invoke Archeia Faith. We call on Archangel Gabriel, and Archeia Hope. We invoke the energy of Archangel Uriel, Archeia Grace, Archangel Raphael, Archeia Joy. We call on Maitreya Lord Buddha, Immanuel Yeshua bar Yusuf the Christ, Lord Melchizedek, first in a priestly tradition which included Jesus Himself. We invite and invoke the Prophet Muhammad, the living spirit of the Dalai Lama, Isis, Bast, Ra, Apollo, Mars - bring your own, invoke your own spirit guides and guardians to come into our sacred space and make it holy, peaceful and safe.
And the first thing we ask of our powerful friends is to purge the space of any energies which do not belong here with us. We ask you to create a great vacuum force which will affect only those energies, those spirits which do not serve us. Energies of doubt or negative thought, spirits who are not helpful, will all feel the increasing pressure of the powerful vacuum force and then we open up a little side door in our brick wall and WHOOSH - all that is gone, and we close the door and this space is pure.
We offer the blessing of our combined love to all who have joined us here, and we receive yours, and it is strong and powerful. And the space is prepared and our work can begin.
We were made in the image of our Creator, and we are creators because of that. We are creative people. God is love and we are lovers because we were made in His image. And through that same pattern, we have been made to forgive. It is one of our highest and best callings and it will give us a great sense of freedom and relief.
So we begin by thinking of a person or persons who have caused you some harm, who has done something wrong to you. Large or small, recently or long ago. We are going to address them directly but you don't have to call up their visual image in front of you - you don't have to send them your love or feel warmly toward them, they don't even have to deserve this. They don't have to know about this; they may not even care. This is not about them, it's about our own spiritual freedom.
And the message is simple: I forgive you. By the power of all the spiritual force within this room I take myself to a place where I can do this and I forgive you. What you did was wrong but I forgive you. It caused harm, but I forgive you. And with this action I release the idea of blame, I can feel the sense of resentment melting away within me right now because I forgive you.
There may still be some lingering harm or loss of time or money or opportunity, maybe even people in my life, but because I forgive you there is no more negative energy within my spirit about this. That has left me, it is totally gone and the direct reason why is because I forgive you.
And we let go of it. It's over. There is no blaming, there is no anger. The force of love within this sacred space lifts that from us. There is no repayment, there is no getting back. We have been released from that. We have been released. No matter what happens to that other person, we are the ones who have been released. And we are less heavy because of that, we are actually physically lighter and we may be able to feel ourselves floating six or eight inches above where we just were, because we have just let go of a very heavy and very troublesome load.
So we can take a moment and enjoy this lightness of spirit that has just come to us, we can float up and mingle with the ascended masters and spirits who have joined us in our sacred space. Because we have just ascended a step further ourselves, with that simple thought: I forgive you.
And the energy within us that held on to the blaming, that held others responsible, that energy really held us instead, but it doesn't hold us now! That energy of sorrow or hurt or resentment, that energy is melting and fading away. The loving spirits in our sacred space will take this energy and send it out through the universe to where it can do some good, because it ain't staying here.
And in its place we can bring in the love from within this sacred space and our whole view can just switch. Our feeling inside can change and become lighter, kinder, free and easy, and all because of that simple message: I forgive you.
There is one more step to the forgiveness process. We are going to call upon our own higher selves to join us now in this sacred space. We can call upon them like this:
I invite and invoke the spirit of my own higher self to come into this sacred space. I am calling on that spirit that was there before I was born, and who lives now as an extension of my person in those higher dimensions of spirit. I command you by my own spiritual authority, I command you now to come forth now and stand before me right now because I have something to tell you.
You've been with me through all my time whether I felt your presence or not. We have worked together on successes and victories, and also on those things that didn't work out so good. And my message is about that last part, the things that didn't go so good, even if we caused them ourselves.
Be careful about what we include here though, some things are caused by ability issues and some are ethical issues. The ability ones are not what we forgive ourselves for. Forgiveness is not the issue with these because there is no guilt. Training is the issue, it's skills management. Cross these off the guilt list, we're going to do the others.
And our message to our higher self is just this: I forgive you. I release you from all blame, all guilt, all bad feeling about things we can no longer control. I forgive you.
And at the exact same time, this brilliant radiant spirit standing before us in our spiritual mirror, this higher self says these same words to us:
I forgive you. I release you from all blame, all guilt, all bad feeling about things we can no longer control. I forgive you.
And as we feel the effect of this very important message, the same lightness that we have just felt comes to us again. That same sense of freedom comes to us even stronger than before because I am the forgiver and I am also forgiven. It's twice as strong now, twice as deep and it feels twice as good.
No more blaming, no more negative energy, we are released to move forward freely and easily. And all these blessings come to us because we've embraced such a simple message. Say it out loud, three times. I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you. I AM FORGIVEN. (Repeat that.) I AM FREE! (Together.) I AM FREE!
Enjoy the sense of freedom for a few moments here, and realize that it will stay with you, even after we go home. These good feelings can come to us each time we exercise our god-given power of forgiveness.
The release we feel, the sense of freedom, the lightness of spirit we create by forgiving others is a permanent condition. And we can strengthen that feeling any time we want to with three little code words we can use. This short little code will concentrate this whole experience down into a compact little nugget that will recall everything we've just done. And the secret code is this: I forgive you.
[ insert additional blessings and invocations ]
Releasing the Sacred Space
We honor and thank the ascended masters and spiritual guides that have helped us so profoundly here. We convey our love to you again, and we receive your love anew, we exchange our blessings again. And we open the crystal dome above us now, and we expand our collected energy to all space everywhere. This is a very helpful, healing force we are sending into a world that needs it. And our love will stay with our spirit friends and theirs will stay with us as we open our space. Thank you for being with us. We love you.
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