Apollo and Pythia

Belvedere Apollo. Marble, Roman copy
Priestess of Delphi, J Collier
Apollo, god of light and the sun, truth and prophecy,
medicine, healing, plague, music, poetry, arts, archery,
creator of light and energy throughout the universe.
Pythia, the Priestess of Apollo in the Oracle of
Delphi, seated atop her tripod over the mystical
vapors inside the holy mountain, Parnassus.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


I come to you from a place of depth, I am known as God of the Sea, also the earth shaker, with a role in earthquakes, more on that later.  My brothers and I divided our authority, Zeus taking the heavens and Hades taking the underworld.  None of these is before the others, our domains are all needed for the cosmos to function.

I work below within your own spiritual depths and you can always find me there if you seek.  I am constant, not seasonal and I am fluid, smoothly changing.  My energy will match your spirit perfectly just as water fits exactly into any cup which holds it. 

I am kind and extremely helpful.  My energy is gentle and immensely powerful, like the smoothly flowing waters that slowly and easily dug out the Grand Canyon.

I am here to tell you how deep you truly are, more than you may know.  I am here to introduce you to your own fountain of strength and inspiration, that your spiritual waters may flow clean and pure, and abundant.

I mentioned earthquakes.  People think earthquakes are these sudden jolting events but I see the decades and centuries of slowly moving land masses that build up the pressure which needs these periodic releases.  I'm down here working on the slow steady dynamic of constant change and that goes on within your spirit too.  

If you have a sudden change in your life, it usually follows a long steady fluid motion which enables change to occur on the surface.  If you would have the surface changes be helpful, pay attention to the ways you are feeding the fluid dynamics of your spiritual foundation.  Practice thoughts which will move you toward greater peace, prosperity, creativity, wherever your best directions point to.  These will steer the tectonic plates of your soul into alignment.

I bring waves of affluence.  There is a Great River flowing from the vast expanse of the universe directly into your being.  It brings energy and abundance and love, it is fluid and it comes to you in the depth of your power.  It flows into the harbor of your own soul and you will gain by exploring your depths. Learn about connecting through this powerful source, search for whatever will add to your highest and greatest good.

If you would receive more, if you would manifest blessings in your life, pray for the perception to see blessings.  You do not need to pray for more blessings, they are already in front of you and they are already infinite.  Your success is in seeing them for what they are.  And I have some clues for you to get this process started.

It begins with gratitude.  Not some empty thanks for things you haven't found yet, real gratitude for real blessings you've already been given.  Even if you think they're small, they are real and you all have some, and your gratitude will grow them to their proper size and importance.

A grateful heart sees more blessings.  A truly humble thankful outlook literally uncovers gifts you never knew you had.  Start with that first blessing, whatever it is, it doesn't matter, just get the gratitude going and more will follow as surely as the rivers travel into my seas.

These are secrets from the deepest reaches of the cosmos and they have been hiding in plain sight for millenia.  We keep trying to show this to people but only a few ever put it into practice.  And practice is the only thing that counts. You need to know before you do, but without the doing you may as well have never read this.  Gratitude is an action, it is a choice and you may begin now.