Apollo and Pythia

Belvedere Apollo. Marble, Roman copy
Priestess of Delphi, J Collier
Apollo, god of light and the sun, truth and prophecy,
medicine, healing, plague, music, poetry, arts, archery,
creator of light and energy throughout the universe.
Pythia, the Priestess of Apollo in the Oracle of
Delphi, seated atop her tripod over the mystical
vapors inside the holy mountain, Parnassus.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


When I was two I had an imaginary playmate.  That's what my Mom called him, and she told me I had named him Pabu.  I'm glad she reminded me about this once or twice long ago, it helped me remember the experience.  But I did not name him, he was just Pabu.  I remember being outside in my front yard shouting his name and he answered back from the distant hillside:  "Pabu!"  . . .  "pabu."

Pabu taught me to read.  I read a couple of books when I was 3 or 4 but then I learned that reading was hard so I had to forget it and then learn with the rest of the kids.  But by then I had a head start.  He taught me some arithmetic too, and later I learned that was hard also and the same thing happened.  Pabu was a good teacher and a good friend.

But I began to understand some nonverbal messages that my friend was not real.  So I kind of moved away from Pabu, didn't specifically stop believing but just gradually thought about him less.  He understood it, and was disappointed.

Many years later I've become interested in contact with spirit guides, guardians and such - and have met some powerful beings - and I began to wonder about Pabu.  So I asked for him one day and he came freely and easily to say hello again.  His light is a brilliant yellow, almost white.  His presence is warm and loving, wise and helpful, supporting, tender.  We were together before I was born.  He is my oldest friend.

We have just begun to talk again in the past few days.  He will have things to tell me that an infant could not have understood, and together we will enhance an original intelligence which can be obscured by adult rationality.

So another journey has begun.

Statement from Mars

Greetings from Mars, god of war for the Romans and much more, before their time and since. I come today with a statement of purpose and advice on how to best use my power. I've been very active in helping people manage their affairs, originally with agriculture & livestock, then bigger projects like roads and aqueducts, military affairs, plus personal relationships, friends, family - taking care of business, getting things done and doing them well. I am a management consultant for your personal affairs.

I come to promote the value of tangible practical skill. There is a joy available to you, no matter what skills you choose to develop. It is the enjoyment of your own power, your own ability to achieve, to create, to succeed in your chosen area. Not enough people know that these joys are there for the taking. Or they don't think it's important enough to spend much time on. But this joy is a reward for good work and it draws us to do more of it.

This applies to all kinds of activity - work around the home, employment and business work, friendship, family, and love - if you pay attention to the satisfactions of success, it is a powerful motivator to keep going forward. This fulfillment is available equally in big projects and small everyday tasks. It is job satisfaction for your life.

You may receive messages from other guides that will inspire you to high lofty ideals, with beautiful poetic language that will stir you and lift you emotionally and spiritually. I don't do that. This is about the here and now, working with your feet on the ground and being effective in your chosen mission. There is no guidance anywhere that has a greater practical value.

Your relationships will improve because you will pay more attention to them, and will address the important issues at the right time via thoughtfulness. You'll make more money because you'll do better work and more of it. Your home will be more organized because you will like getting it under control, you'll enjoy the flexing of your skills throughout all your activities.

You will be required, though, to decide what you want. This may not be easy or quick, especially if you are just beginning to discover your true inner directions, but it is necessary before we can help you much. I and my fellow guides out here can provide some awesome cosmic power to you. We can draw resources from across the universe to co-create your dreams with you - but you must provide the dreams. Without that we have not much to offer except help in discovering those true inner directions.

If you don't have a clear statement of goals it should be your first job to define them. And this is a perfectly good thing to request from us: help in finding the best goals for yourself. We won't tell you what to want, but we can help greatly in uncovering these things within yourself. In almost all cases there are such goals within people and they are definite.

Discovering and refining these goals is an ever deepening process. Often a first goal is to work through barriers, things that keep us from moving forward, clearing the decks for action. And when that is accomplished a new set of goals arises, to be discovered, then expressed clearly, then adopted as a statement of mission. And when that is done we refine the mission again, and it is always appropriate to ask us for help in defining and refining your own personal goals. The more you do this, the better you will get at it.

And there are some hints to help get started on the path:

  • List out the things you are drawn to most. The things you simply like are often related to your core original purposes. In fact this link is often the reason you like those things in the first place.
  • Imagine what you would focus on in your next lifetime, what general themes you would organize your life around if you had the choice. And choice is the key word, because in many cases you actually do have that choice now.
  • Watch for unity in what you adopt as your core desires. Many times people want things that do not match up well, some things conflict with others. Aversions may conflict with attractions, and the universe seems to look at the aversions first sometimes. You may wish for a new romantic relationship but you don't want to give up full freedom on how you spend your time. Guess what, they're not going to show up until you get that worked out. Ask yourself not only what you want to achieve, but also what you want to preserve and what you want to avoid. This can identify possible conflicting motivations. Unity of mission is a very powerful aid in getting things done.
  • Strive also for clarity in your statement of goals. It's nice to be able to tell others about it clearly, but the main benefit is in making the statement. This requires you to be clear about it internally, within yourself. The statement of your goals is the byproduct of the clarity you develop within yourself. What do you want to achieve first, next, and eventually? If you can say that in about a minute, it's probably pretty clear.

There is something else to say, about the war thing. People want to soften my hard edges, they want me to play nice, they want to modify my energy and that doesn't work with me. Social politeness cannot take away my force. I take action, I get things done, I am out there. This can be extremely productive if you know how to use my energy in the right way, but my sword does have two edges. And knowing what you want is the key to walking this little tightrope.

Most people don't have to struggle personally with the grand issues of international warfare. Presidents do, and kings and soldiers and their families. But most people don't have that issue as a direct personal experience, they have something much harder: personal human violence. Either the possibility of receiving it, the probability of inflicting some or the practical certainty that at some time you're going to want to hurt somebody. Polite society has strong codes to control this, and they're needed because these urges are so common. And as you might imagine, I know a few things about this.

Anger builds up in people - and I am there to build it - when they don't get what they want. This can be very productive if it's directed well and destructive otherwise. For example: people can view others as being responsible for their own lack of success, such as, "If it weren't for him/her I could have done XYZ." Yet often the others are not the ones in the way. People hold themselves back far more often than others do. So if you have a pressure of energy, maybe anger, building up like this, focus it on the goal and not the person. This will help us build with it and be constructive. I would rather build something constructive and useful with you, but I will settle for making trouble because above all, I am going to take action.

And the key to directing my energy well is knowing your own goals well. It can take our mutual forces from destruction to creation. This is good advice no matter what kind of spirit guides you are working with but with me it matters a bit more, because I will take action, and quickly. It is really an advantage to act quickly and decisively, especially when the actions support clear goals.

My sister Athena is also a warrior and she is known for strategy, wisdom, and calculated response. I am known for the emotional power of quick, decisive action. Some have asked me to work with my sister to adopt a style that is closer to hers. This is akin to softening my rough edges. That hasn't happened in the last 2500 years and it's not likely now. If you like Athena's energy, her approach and her style, you can call on her and she will come, as we all do, because we really are eager to help. She is a fierce and effective warrior and nobody out here will be offended. But if you've decided to work with Mars you're going to get what I got - and this is it, baby.

Focus on defining the mission first, and we are happy to help with that, and then we'll do the second things second and get it done.

My sword has two edges but there is a third choice. You can deny that I exist and suppress my energy completely. The suppression had better be complete, though, or else my force will come out in undirected ways as we've discussed, and it might not be what you like. But if you can clamp it all down and really hold it there, then you only have to deal with your failure to get what you want. Maybe you can even deny that you wanted it in the first place. Alcohol and prozac can help deal with the effects of a decision like that. This actually happens rather frequently.

I have made three main points:

  • There is true satisfaction in achievements great and small - and true satisfaction is rare.
  • There is great personal power in having clarity and unity in your goals.
  • My sword has two edges, and your clear goals will help you wield it well.

I offer these thoughts to all human earth beings for their highest and greatest good.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Statement from Apollo

A message of honor and blessing from Apollo, creator of light and energy throughout the universe, god of music, healing, athletics, prophecy, choir director for the muses, provider of profound help to human mortals throughout the ages and only a few plagues, and then only when they really deserved it.

We've been less public and less dramatic since we closed down at Delphi about 1600 years ago. We had an active successful millennium of helping people in tangible ways in the Oracles, and I return to you now because people are asking for me, and because I have some things that can help in these times.

In these times people are organizing energy around events of awakening. There are dates coming up soon and expectations are building, though the points of time by themselves do not matter. The time of 12/12/12 on your arbitrary calendar has no special meaning for Kronos, the timekeeper of the Universe. But make no mistake: the energy people are organizing, the intentions of coming together with common purpose, the expectation of great awakenings to occur - these are huge opportunities for every living thing on this planet.

Humankind is constantly driven, intrinsically compelled toward progress in every imaginable way. You do not need to wait for specific times to enjoy this. You can do it right now. Go ahead, adopt a sense of inner calm and ask for me, or Jesus, or the Prophet Muhammad - whoever you like best - and tell them this:
  • Help me to grow spiritually, to expand my sense of spiritual awareness, help me see events in the spirit realm that are happening around me at all times including now. Enhance my sensitivity and vision, help my understanding grow and deepen my sense of soul and of love. And help me to do these things now.
  • Help me to grow mentally, increase my grasp, my memory, the scope of my view, my level of energy, intellectual quickness, increase my idea generation, help me exercise and grow my mind, right now.
  • Touch my body in its many dimensions, animate me with the light and energy of the cosmos, move me toward the strength and power of physical health, and do it now.
  • I call upon you by the power of my own spiritual authority, that force that was mine before I was born, and which I now claim as a fully equal human earth being, I call upon you to come forth and do these things now.
If you say these things or express anything close to this with any clarity at all, we will come to you so quickly it will make your head spin. We love this stuff, we are totally ready to help people do these things, we were made for this. We will come right away, we will eagerly help, and we are powerful in our work.

So take a moment now after having had these thoughts, and enjoy the realization that these things have just happened to you, there has been a bit of growth here, and it's real. You're not just reading some words out there, this is truth. And you have just ascended, you have just awakened to a degree right now in this very moment. So you can see that you do not have to wait for December 12 for an awakening to occur, you can have some any time you ask for it.

But do pay attention to these coming events in time because they will be important. You humans have a great power when you come together with a common purpose, and there is a great potential in shared physical and spiritual intention. There is a story about Moses in the Pharaoh's chamber, when he cast his staff on the ground and it became a serpent. The pharaoh's priests did this also. That could not happen today because human spirit as a planetary collective does not expect or accept the possibility. And it could happen then precisely because this was included in the shared spiritual experience of Egyptian and Israeli culture. The outward forms have changed but the raw power of combined human spirit to create reality is every bit as strong as it ever was. The gatherings to come, centered around events of wide scale awakening, will be profound.

And you can prepare for this. Ask yourself what you can do to further the awakening of this planet and those who live here. You will find things you can do if you honestly seek. And most of this growth for most people will be realized within yourselves.

You do not need to make great speeches or inspire other people to make a difference. The changes you create within yourself will make a huge difference because you affect the world around you profoundly. The blessings you receive and create for yourself will affect others, and others, and others, across the entire universe.

So pay attention to these coming events and prepare yourself well. Ask for growth and we will come, we will bring it. Gather with people at these important times to come, if you can - at least seek to align your spirit with the fact of awakening on this planet.

You will create blessings for others and you will receive blessings yourself as you participate in the awakening process.

Those who are tuned in, who have eyes to see, will notice the difference.