This is formatted as a blessing to be spoken aloud in a meditative circle. If you're reading this on your own, bring some loved ones into a circle of your imagination and the results will be good.
We have a blessing to share, and it is coming from your own higher self. This blessing is for you, from your extension into the highest realms of spirit.
Let us remember first that the space we share here is truly sacred. It was sacred before we got here and it will be sacred long after we leave. It has been consecrated by months and years of spiritual activity and all we need to do is join it, to participate in its holiness. And our pathway toward that begins with our own sense of inner calmness, that calm that we all know and we all have within us. And it is coming to you right now, even if you haven't had a calm thought all day, because you know what it felt like to be calm at one time, and as you think about that feeling it is created within you. The attention you direct toward that feeling causes it to grow. Your attention creates growth wherever you direct it and right now it is growing that sense of calm peace within your spirit, and it grows to fill your entire body and it overflows out beyond your skin and it joins with us and flows into our shared space and makes it even more sacred than it was.
And within this feeling of peaceful calm there is a strong sense of deep love. The love you have within you that does not need an object, the love that flows from deep within, filling your entire body, the love that flows into the space around you and into the space we share, adding to the sacred nature of that space and making it truly holy. The love we have for each other and ourselves grows together and it mixes in our shared space and draws more love like a magnet, and we feel the presence of Michael, Faith, Grace, Raphael, Uriel, Charity, Hope, all the archangels and archaeia, Lady Yumanali, Kuan Yen, Bast, Ra, Isis, Apollo, Mars, bring your own, invite your own spirit guides and your own guardians to enjoy the blessings of our loving spirits and add their own love in this sacred space, this meditation that we all share. They're here with us and they add their energy to the blessings we share.
And there is one more entity who would like to come forward. We can reach for that one now. Imagine a divine golden glow that runs from your crown to the bottom of your spinal column, and let it build in power and let the light glow brightly inside your back, and then let the golden cord continue below you, reaching down into the earth. Through the topsoil, the clay, the crust of the earth into the molten core that warms us, touching the spirit of Gaia herself, the earth mother who feeds us. And keeping that contact solid, we take our attention back upwards, through our body again and up from our crown to the spiritual realm, above the planet, beyond the sun and the galaxy, to the highest and most sublime levels of the cosmos, and at the very top there is the glow of this beautiful luminous being. And this is your higher self, truly sitting at the right hand of God, connected directly and individually to you and all the levels of dimension you're touching.
This is the one who was with you before you were born, and to whom you will return, the one we are an extension of, living in these dimensions to show them the experience here. They were eager to come here and see through these eyes, to enjoy the sunsets and the rainbows, the flowers and each other's faces and more. We were eager to come to this lovely planet and hear the sound of vibrating strings, and to sing and run and laugh and touch and hug and more. And we came here to enjoy this and to do whatever else we agreed to do, and now we get to check in with this one who sees the bigger picture, this one who launched our little ship on this lovely voyage. And this awesome luminous being stands before us now as a reflection in a spiritual mirror and just radiates beauty, showing us clearly what wonderful stuff we're made of. And we can take a moment to enjoy this lovely light, this brilliant color, this beauty in front of us which is ourselves.
And there is a message. This message is very individual. We are going to speak the same words for you all but the meaning will be different for each one of you. And you are going to see how that can happen right now. This message is specifically for you, from you, yourself, from a context of great vision, great wisdom, and great love. It is yours alone.
Hello. Hello, you. I am glad to see you because it has been quite a while since we stood together in the first cause of all this. I hope you're enjoying your journey. Because enjoyment was one of the original goals of all this.
We had other goals too, and it will be very productive to realize them and remember them, as that will help you accomplish them. And these were not small ideas. They needed to be substantial and worthwhile because the force of intention behind these goals is where the energy came from to drive you into this dimension in the first place. It's an amazing transformation to go from a luminous pure spirit like me to a tangible physical presence like you, and it is truly a miracle. There's this whole channel of dimensional thickening to go through until at the end you can actually touch something and feel it, and that takes a lot of energy. And if it 's not right, if the goals aren't worthwhile and honorable and for the highest and greatest good, the energy doesn't work. It doesn't happen, and you don't get born.
But you did. And because of that we know there were some pretty good ideas you and I cooked up together in the beginning, and we'd like to bring them out now and look at them clearly. But that's no small trick because there was some forgetting built into the human creation process. After you got through that dimensional channel and arrived, and felt the loving warmth of mother's body all around you, the job wasn't done yet. Because then you grew and developed and ran out of room and then there was pushing and shoving and then light, and air, and fingers, and we had to learn to work all that, then walk, and speak, be together, and separate, and that's a full time job. And then we have school. It's a wonder anyone remembers there was ever such a thing as an original purpose in the first place.
But you did. You came here, and you stayed this long, probably to find some things out. And one of the key questions is, "What the heck was that original idea about?" And together we can discover this because I have a clue for you. And it is this: What do you like? What things have you done in your life so far that have been the most fulfilling? What has given you the most joy, the greatest sense of wholeness, what has touched your spirit most directly? Think about these things because they are connected to your primary purposes.
Have you ever looked at the next deeper question of why we like the things we like? We are drawn toward some things and not others because of agreements we made long ago, and we can see into the nature of those agreements by noticing what kinds of things we're drawn to. And it is going to be a very helpful thing for you to know your core purposes.
So this is a clue. It's not the whole homework assignment but it's a head start. Knowing your attractions will give you insight. Attraction is a primal force, it is a First Cause. It is the beginning of motivation, it is the point at which creativity occurs. And as such, it is divine. It is not challenged. "I like what I like because I like it." That is enough of a reason for anyone, because it's a central thing. It's at the core, it's divine, we've already agreed to it. And this is your first clue, and it's a big one.
This clue is your blessing and it's your homework assignment. Bring these agreements out into the open and re-adopt your original purpose. It's what you've got to do to earn your blessing. And your life will become richer and more fulfilled, your overall flow will become more free and easy, you will see more joy, more love, more blessing in your moments by keeping your own original sense of purpose in mind. This is not a project to get over and done, it's a continuous inquiry. Get what you can now, and keep looking for depth because it will be there. And your life is going to be wonderful because of it.
And now that we have stood together again, and reunited our purposes again, we can be closer to each other again. Notice the feeling of my presence now so you can remember it and recognize it later. Close your eyes and ask, and I will come to you again. Listen, and soon you will hear my guidance. I will bring you blessings beyond anything you can imagine and together we will find great joy.
And now I'm not going to go anywhere, I'm going to stay here with you and let the evening unfold as it should. But I am finished speaking for the moment. I love you.
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