Apollo and Pythia

Belvedere Apollo. Marble, Roman copy
Priestess of Delphi, J Collier
Apollo, god of light and the sun, truth and prophecy,
medicine, healing, plague, music, poetry, arts, archery,
creator of light and energy throughout the universe.
Pythia, the Priestess of Apollo in the Oracle of
Delphi, seated atop her tripod over the mystical
vapors inside the holy mountain, Parnassus.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Change in the Wind

The pace of change on your planet is accelerating and will continue to grow.  There has been more growth in more ways in the past 200 years than in the previous 10,000 years of human history.  The past 20 years have seen radical change and the next ten will be transformational.  It would be foolish to expect this expanding, growing pace of change to suddenly stop.  Your challenge is to prepare for it, to help shape it in ways that will benefit yourself, your fellows and your habitat.

The spirit of change you now feel is strong and growing stronger.  And it is clear to many that the right kinds of change would be very helpful to you all.  This may result in improvements on your planet and in your lives, or it may pass by as an opportunity lost.  You have a collective free will, and together you will decide whether to adopt a greater wisdom or not.

You are at a very important point of transition.

The essence of this greater wisdom is love.  This is no new idea, but it may seem new to share it as widely as we recommend.  There is a Tibetan meditation, The Cultivation Of Lovingkindness, which focuses on the internal feeling of love and then applies it - first to your own self, in the highest and best senses, then to your lover, your mother, all your family, friends, then your village, your state, your continent, the whole planet, animals, plants, all life everywhere.  This will elevate you.

If you would help improve the world, begin the improvement within your own self.  Search in stillness for the ideas that prevent your own personal magic from fully coming forth.  Once they are clearly seen, they can fall away easily and allow greater unity within you.  These internal changes are reflected in the world around you because you are truly the creator of your entire experience.

People think it is miraculous when we create our own universe.  Actually that is ordinary, the miracle is that our experiences are shared.  For a book on the table to look the same to you as it does to me, for us both to see the same flower in a garden, that's the miracle.  Creating them for ourselves is easy.  It's the common view of "objective reality" that is the true miracle of our God-given creativity.  We create that together in ways that you do not get to understand yet, and that's the real miracle.  Most people have this backwards.

There is currently an idea in your world, widely held, that one person or group can profit at the expense of another.  This is false because you all gain or lose together, and at the moment you are losing.  You are losing your means of physical sustenance, your cohesion, your habitat.  This continues by degrees even now and it would be very obviously helpful to reverse that.  We hope you will.

You are an incredibly powerful species, your creativity and production are through the roof.  Your American farmers grow enough food to feed the world.  But you're not doing it.  Your distribution is really lopsided.  Those who can are consuming too much - so much that it's causing health problems.  Obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol all come with excess consumption while people die every day because they cannot eat.  It would be very obviously helpful to everyone, each of you, to reverse that.  We hope you will.

There is a sense of competition that has been overdeveloped.  A greater attention to cooperation will help you move forward toward more joy, more peace, enjoyed by more people.  Some think it would hold you back to stop and help someone along the journey.  Actually it would propel you all forward.  You will rise or fall, gain or lose, advance or decline together.  We hope you advance.

There is a gathering of like minded spirits taking place, physically coming together and virtually, electronically, making connections to explore a new wisdom that values love more than personal advantage, that puts common welfare above individual gain.  It can move you all forward and improve your life in real ways.  A gathering strength will have real effects in your world.

This is not spiritual theory; there is a power in united human spirits that most of you would not believe.  You have a story about Moses taking his staff before the Pharaoh and turning it into a serpent.  The culture, the combined belief of human spirits in that time and place allowed such an event into their reality.  That was a real staff and it became a real serpent and it could not happen now because nobody believes it.  The power of united human spirits very easily and smoothly enabled such events, and that power of expectation, of shared intention is just as strong these few millennia later.

So more change is coming, how could it not be so?  It will be political, economic, and it will be most helpful if it is also spiritual.  It will be most helpful if it includes love.  The certainty of your combined power of human spirit is growing, awareness is spreading and many kinds of change are possible.

There have been restructurings attempted in your past which took from the very wealthy and distributed property more widely.  These have not worked because they have missed the point. Robin Hood campaigns like these were still tied in to the notion of ownership, as if someone could own the earth or the water or the air.  Your laws allow this and more, even owning specific electromagnetic wavelengths!  This is a separating idea, carving the cosmos into artificial pieces and claiming them.  Even the claims separate your humanity into individual animals when unity is more productive.

It is possible to restructure things in literally any way.  Many of your North American civilizations grew large and successful without even using the concept of money in their culture.  Everything is an optional choice, even things you see as basic requirements.  You have even replaced entire national governments in the past couple of years by the power of united human spirit.  The field is wide open, all things are possible to you if you have the will.  We hope you succeed.

This message is from all of us, ascended masters, guides, archangels and guardians who watch and assist you in your individual and collective journeys.