Apollo and Pythia

Belvedere Apollo. Marble, Roman copy
Priestess of Delphi, J Collier
Apollo, god of light and the sun, truth and prophecy,
medicine, healing, plague, music, poetry, arts, archery,
creator of light and energy throughout the universe.
Pythia, the Priestess of Apollo in the Oracle of
Delphi, seated atop her tripod over the mystical
vapors inside the holy mountain, Parnassus.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

A Meditation

Meditation After Blues Jam
from Chicago Bob

I can't sleep and get onto the zen cushions to get settled. I gather up "stuff" from within my field and spew it out the top. Gather up a whirlwind from below, collecting energies that no longer serve me. They did, for several hours tonight, the music was good and now it's time to shift gears because it's like 2am.

It starts out gentle and gathers force as it moves up, stronger like a tornado, spinning strong, fast, up through torso, chest, neck, head and PSSHHFEEWW out the top to wherever it's needed because I don't want it here.

Again with a wider circle, this field of energy is bigger than I thought, six feet out to either side, ten feet below me and above, clean it out and send it up, away. It's not absolutely useless or unneeded, we're only going to get it the hell out of here. And again, just as strong, clean it out, guide the cyclone twisting with my hands, push up, build the pressure and explode it out over my head and away. Much better now. Cleaned out.

Now I need a refill and I call in light from above. Sometimes it's orange or white, coming from Apollo or other guides, this comes in from above and settles in my emptied out field, ten feet below and down there it turns red like a big earth base, feeling the planet and Guia, its spirit. I have this huge egg to fill and the bottom layer is red.

Sacral chakra above that is orange and the core chakra is yellow and it looks like on of them creme de menthe goblets with layers. They each take time to fill and it takes attention and focus to brighten the colors. The layers fill my field evenly, carefully, one by one.

The heart chakra is green and it feels like love. We spend some time on this one, I try to catch the energy but it works better if I flow it through. Send out a lot of love, I love the way this \feels, I love everybody, I love everything. Send it out strong, all around the world. If I try to hold it things get all clogged up, I can only have more by flowing it through, like a two inch pipe, grow it into a four inch pipe, a six inch pipe. This is the only way to increase capacity for love.

This bright lime green light doesn't come from above, it comes from below or behind or within and from a source that is not me. But I am needed as a pumping station in the pipeline. So it keeps pumping even after I move on.

The throat chakra is turquoise and this light is thinner than the others. I have spent three hours singing and it needs to replenish. This is the center of communication and it will refill over the next several hours of sleep, dream, restoration.  It is also the gateway between inner and outer worlds so Janus come in to help, he sits and watches, to guard and help replenish power. He looks outward and inward at the same time, he was posted at the doorway to old Roman homes. Look up Janus, he is cool.

My third eye chakra in the forehead is violet, a dark color but yet brilliant. The deep purple is like a huge donut around my head, I can see it with my eyes closed and a patch opens up. I see a green feudal landscape, lawns and hills, vibrant colors and I try to hold the vision to explore.

And it clears up like a lucid dram, there are whitewashed poles with egg shaped pods on top where monks go to meditate. They have rope ladders, whitewashed adobe buildings with brown corner beams, big like dorms or eating spaces. Meticulous trim all around, bushes and lots of lawn.

Then another patch opens to the left of that, a park on a bluff by the sea. It is Chetzemoka Park in Port Townsend. A large circle of field nymphs are holding hands and dancing in a circle that extends off the bluff, across the air over the sea. They circle around and sing without sound and I can feel their power deeply - they are really strong. I am not in the circle, I think of taking their hands but do not. This is for them somehow.

There is a woman inside the circle on the land and I float over to her. I want to address her, ask her something but this gets hazy. Probably because the question was not fully crystallized. So the deep purple begins to close in, narrows my vision and soon it's all the purple haze with only one druid present. I can't see her but she is still part of the circle and they are still dancing and their power is deeply felt and just as strong as ever. I believe they are dancing still.

And then the crown chakra has a brilliant silver light, very strong and it fills the top of my egg shaped field, ten feet up and bright. This is a healing light so I aim some into my body. It finds a few places and lingers where attention is needed. Doctors can be great but right now we have our own healing going on. Radiation therapy from the Great Physician Himself.

So the chakras are way too big after all that and I align them now, one by one from the bottom up, focusing on even brightness, moderate size so they don't overlap and get confused, lined up and spaced just right, rotating easily and flowing smooth.  Playing music is exhilarating but we got to do some maintenance after.

I am deeply grateful to Apollo and my lifelong guardian Pabu who has been talking to me since I was two and who has never left.

Thank you.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Apollo: What Have You Done With My Magic?

Greetings and blessings from Apollo, God of sunlight, energy and vibrations of all kinds throughout the universe, in all dimensions, physical and spiritual.  I arose in response to the inquiring spirit of united humans joined together for a common purpose: to know what is behind this wonderful ball that travels across the sky bringing heat and light, helping the food to grow and bringing life to the planet.  And the power of human spirits joined together is one of the strongest forces in the galaxy. 

That last solstice was a profound time on your planet, when humans spirits turned their focus toward advancement and spiritual transformation.  And again you showed your great power, coming together in dozens and hundreds and thousands all across the planet, intending a new energy, a stronger love, a spirit of true awakening.  The one you call Jesus once said, "Whenever two or more of you are gathered together in my name, Lo, I will be there with you."  He also said, "Ask and ye shall receive," because he too understood the power of united human spirits and focused intention.

And you called forth a higher energy, a more refined vibration, a spiritual awakening, a magically stronger kind of love for this planet.  And I come to you at the equinox to confirm to you that it worked. We have been sending you this higher level of energy in response to your powerful creative force. 

Some of you have seen and felt this new vibration and some are gradually becoming aware of it.  It is for everyone, not just a few.  Anyone can enjoy these blessings and they are profound.  They are here for you now, they are infinitely deep and richly varied, they are the exact best thing for you individually and they are waiting for you to see them. 

This new energy is so strong, these new blessings are so plentiful that you hardly need to ask for more.  It will be far better to seek the vision to see them, pray for perception to bring the magic into your life because it is already here.  Ask and ye shall receive this perception.  My brother Mars will have more to say about receiving blessings and using them.

My little star, your Sol, is singing to you more beautifully every day.  It is a profound song and unique, unlike any other star in the universe.  It sings life to you, heat and light and power and color and love.  The music goes far beyond your narrow band of hearing, it includes all vibration of all kinds including the spiritual.  It sings to your heart about loving each other and growing together, and it sings to you from home.

Sol is your brother in a very real sense, you and he were made from the same stuff, the dust of stars that came before.  His song is a beautiful chord, dynamic and strong, resonant beyond what you can know. It reminds us where we came from and that we share a common journey, that your joy is my joy and we all grow together.

There will be more sharing with this new energy, more working together, more love flowing between you.  There will also be some resistance; there are those who gain from a focus on property rights and limited views.  They will not even see this energy, they will think magic is silly.  Your job is not to convince them, your job is to advance yourself.

The magic is here now and it is time to pick it up and use it.  The question will become, "What have you done with our magic?"  And we hope your answer can be:

  • I have seen it and heard it and felt it,
  • I have picked it up and made it mine,
  • I have enjoyed its blessings, even added some of my own magic to what I've received,
  • I have reflected it back out and sent it around so others can see it, and pick it up and do the same.

And that's how you can make it better.  All of you.  Anybody.

These are our gifts, our magic, blessings lying at your feet waiting for you to pick them up.  And when you do, you will feel a sense of well being, a sense of being blessed, a sense of gratitude for the gifts of a loving universe.

Mars: It Is Time To Begin

There is a great golden circle that carries deep meaning, the cycle of seasons, lightness and darkness, the unity of the Ring and much more.  Apollo stands at the top of that circle and lights the way, and people love to follow him.  I stand at the very bottom and steer.  We both love being where we are and we work quite well together.

My brother speaks well of the powerful changes taking place on your planet.  I come with advice on how to make use of these gifts.  I have practical steps for you and a three-point plan: Perception, Reception and Action.

You may ask how the God of War got into spiritual advancement.  In fact I have been here all along.  Before the Roman army arose I was still all about getting things done in practical, tangible terms.  In those days that was largely agriculture and livestock, but also family relationships, bonding, loving, raising young adults who were cool and self sufficient, and who would go out into the world and help others when their time came.  Spiritual power has always been a part of this.

This month was named after me because it is time to begin new initiatives.  It was planting time, it was the start of military campaigns.  Now is a good time for new steps toward your own spiritual growth.  It is the most important thing you will ever pursue.  The energy of the season is strong, and the universe will add its force to your efforts. 

Focus on setting the strategy for your own advancement.  You need to participate in the planning of your own cosmic growth.  And if you would fight against anything, fight against the forces within yourself that prevent greater love, more blessings, wisdom, scope of vision. 


Every blessing which could possibly further your highest and greatest good is already available to you now.  There is a Great River of cosmic abundance which comes from the central first source of all energy in the cosmos, and it flows directly and individually straight to you.  We tend this river, I and my fellow guides out here, we keep it clear and add blessings specifically for you.  They are the exact right gifts for you at the exact right time.

Your best first skill to develop is the vision to see these gifts.  Ask the Universe for perception, adopt the firm intention to recognize the blessings that are coming, to clearly see them, to recognize their value and to know this quick enough to pick them up while the opportunity still exists.  We can offer you the following training plan to develop this.

Gratitude allows you to see more blessings.  To develop gratitude, find one blessing that has come to you today.  Then look within yourself for the gratitude that will naturally arise in response to that blessing, in response to your seeing, your recognition of that blessing.  It does not matter where you start, just find one and feel your response to it. 

Then do it again.  See if you can find five blessings and truly feel the gratitude for each of them.  You will be training yourself to find blessings in this way.  As you continue, the depth and scope of these blessings will increase and you will find more of them all the time.  Before long you will surprise yourself by saying, "Oh my God, what blessing that just was!  That one came to me from somewhere beyond this planet - oh, thank you!  I am so deeply grateful!"


Next you need to accept the gift, and this is not always a trivial thing to do.  There are things that get in the way of smooth easy reception and one of them includes thoughts about deserving.  Usually it's not as black and white as, "Oh gee, I don't really deserve that," usually it's a feeling of having to earn it.  There are things that have to be earned, like paychecks, but these blessings are not like that.  You have already made it to this planet, that is deserving enough.  These blessings are part of the package you signed up for. 

Please believe us: Our gifts come to you at the right time and they are the right gifts for you.  How could there possibly be a God-given gift which is wrong?  If it comes from us, it's right.  If you disagree with the selection, please consider carefully who probably knows best around here.

The step of receiving may take courage because the best blessings can change things.  But our gifts can also include the pathway toward smooth change, a willingness to easily let go of old ideas, and an eagerness to move forward.  You can search for these specific blessings and they will be found.  You already know they are out there.

We will ask you to abandon all ideas of selfishness in this area.  You are supposed to pick these things up and enjoy them fully for yourself in the same way you are supposed to put on your own oxygen mask first, before you can help others in the airplane.  Love the blessings and let them love you because that's how they work.

Seek to establish your many blessings deep within yourself and enjoy the gratitude that will surely come.  Your joy will fill you and it will flow through you.  Others will see it, at least some will, and you will be improving the atmosphere by simply sitting there and glowing.  Full reception is a critical first step and it cannot be skipped.


It's not the only step.  In your path of growth you will grow more aware of the value of service, the incredible sense of joy that comes to one who can help somebody, somewhere, to do something good.

There are those who already want to save the world, and some need to be reminded to improve their own internal conditions first.  Some need to be stirred to get up and into action.  And some need to find that special, unique gift which only they can provide.  Some need to realize that the world only needs a few Ghandis or Buddhas, and Christs - and you can add quite a lot without waiting to achieve that first.

Remember that you will improve the atmosphere right away even if you just sit there and glow.  You will help others in this way.  Some may seek it eagerly and grow before your very eyes.  Some may become dimly aware, slowly learning to see, and some may not be ready.  You cannot choose which ones you may help.  You will often not even know you've helped someone.  That's okay, don't insist on that, it will hold you back.  Just keep doing it and don't quit.

The more you share your blessings, the deeper they will become.  They say much is expected of those to whom much is given.  This is true and it goes both ways.  Much more is given to those who provide for the highest and greatest good of others.  Great gifts will await the truly helpful.

So we speak of perception, to see the abundance flowing through this Great River specifically for you.  We speak of reception, to enable yourself to own your gifts and fully enjoy them.  We speak of action, to let your own unique blessings flow freely from you, out into the Great River again to provide even more blessings for you and others.

Many have added their sacred gifts to this Great River before it came to touch your heart.  Now you have the privilege of becoming a contributor also, of becoming a co-creator, forming the Universe's blessings.  There can be no more profound graduation than this.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Diana Welcomes the Spring

I am Diana, goddess of the fields, hunting, the moon, and birth.  The Greeks knew me as Artemis, twin sister of Apollo.  I come to you at this time of early March to offer an early spring blessing and to share some wisdom about the coming season.

It is almost time for the season of birth, of planetary awakening, of planting in the fields.  It is already time to prepare your fields for productive growth.  The time is upon you now to clear your fields.  Pay attention to things in your field now that may interfere with growth later.  Let your fields be soft and receptive, tend them well, keep them clear. 

And of course these things happen within your spirit even if you don't manage a farm.  If you begin this work now, the energies of the Universe are primed to work in your favor and help your preparation.  This is the most powerful blessing of early spring, an energetic turbo boost for your spring cleaning within yourself.

A more careful tending to this business will be needed in the coming seasons.  More work will be called for than in the past, smarter work and more of it.  A great advancement began at your last solstice and some forces of resistance have arisen.  They don't stand a chance in the long run but they do have some power now.  They can be overcome.

The diligent will prosper.  More work will be needed and the rewards will be greater than ever before.  There will be weeds in the field to clear but if you do, the corn will be sweet, the milk and honey will flow in great abundance.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


I come to you from a place of depth, I am known as God of the Sea, also the earth shaker, with a role in earthquakes, more on that later.  My brothers and I divided our authority, Zeus taking the heavens and Hades taking the underworld.  None of these is before the others, our domains are all needed for the cosmos to function.

I work below within your own spiritual depths and you can always find me there if you seek.  I am constant, not seasonal and I am fluid, smoothly changing.  My energy will match your spirit perfectly just as water fits exactly into any cup which holds it. 

I am kind and extremely helpful.  My energy is gentle and immensely powerful, like the smoothly flowing waters that slowly and easily dug out the Grand Canyon.

I am here to tell you how deep you truly are, more than you may know.  I am here to introduce you to your own fountain of strength and inspiration, that your spiritual waters may flow clean and pure, and abundant.

I mentioned earthquakes.  People think earthquakes are these sudden jolting events but I see the decades and centuries of slowly moving land masses that build up the pressure which needs these periodic releases.  I'm down here working on the slow steady dynamic of constant change and that goes on within your spirit too.  

If you have a sudden change in your life, it usually follows a long steady fluid motion which enables change to occur on the surface.  If you would have the surface changes be helpful, pay attention to the ways you are feeding the fluid dynamics of your spiritual foundation.  Practice thoughts which will move you toward greater peace, prosperity, creativity, wherever your best directions point to.  These will steer the tectonic plates of your soul into alignment.

I bring waves of affluence.  There is a Great River flowing from the vast expanse of the universe directly into your being.  It brings energy and abundance and love, it is fluid and it comes to you in the depth of your power.  It flows into the harbor of your own soul and you will gain by exploring your depths. Learn about connecting through this powerful source, search for whatever will add to your highest and greatest good.

If you would receive more, if you would manifest blessings in your life, pray for the perception to see blessings.  You do not need to pray for more blessings, they are already in front of you and they are already infinite.  Your success is in seeing them for what they are.  And I have some clues for you to get this process started.

It begins with gratitude.  Not some empty thanks for things you haven't found yet, real gratitude for real blessings you've already been given.  Even if you think they're small, they are real and you all have some, and your gratitude will grow them to their proper size and importance.

A grateful heart sees more blessings.  A truly humble thankful outlook literally uncovers gifts you never knew you had.  Start with that first blessing, whatever it is, it doesn't matter, just get the gratitude going and more will follow as surely as the rivers travel into my seas.

These are secrets from the deepest reaches of the cosmos and they have been hiding in plain sight for millenia.  We keep trying to show this to people but only a few ever put it into practice.  And practice is the only thing that counts. You need to know before you do, but without the doing you may as well have never read this.  Gratitude is an action, it is a choice and you may begin now.